Tag Archives: web presence

Why Do I Need a Website?


Many people ask why they need a website, and how a website will benefit them. The question that I always ask them back is, “How do you find information today?” the way people find information is through the internet. Over millions of people in Malaysia use the internet looking for new businesses to go to, i.e. restaurants, retail shop, financial service, schools, utilities and the list goes on, they use the internet as their main resource. If you do not have a website, these people will not find you, and if you do not have a well-built website, these people will not find you or buy from you.

There are few areas in which a website will help you grow your business or promote your product and services. Every customer wants to get to know you before they use your product or service, and your internet presence are a huge factor in being found, recognized and trusted. You can either let the infinite space of the internet define your business or product or you can do it yourself with a professional website. Would you rather have business and status defined by strangers or would you prefer to define your business yourself? By having a well-designed web presence containing your own blog posts, background, qualifications, honors and awards you can build trust between you and your potential customers without even meeting them face to face.

On whole, below are the few reasons for having your own website presence:

A website can help you to develop a new opportunity to sell your products online.

You may use the website as a retail outlet without actually spending on establishing or salaries of storefront staff.

The website can help your target market to get information on what you sell and may order products from your website.

You may reach a bigger audience than what you would have got by starting a brick and mortal outlet. This will overcome geographical issues.

Depending on your product line, you may even eliminate inventory cost to store in shop.

Normally an offline business cannot offer services 24/7. But if you have a website your service and product can be accessed by anyone 24/7. In other word, your business actually works when you are sleeping.

In real world if someone likes your product or service, you cannot normally store it to show other people. But you can actually display them in your website to attract more customers. Apart from that you can also display product reviews done by real people in different social media like Facebook & Twitter. Testimonials from real people do miracle to businesses.

Direct relationship with target market audience and improve your relationship with the end-customer.